Looks like Brian’s running another great long-distance rally-ride. I’ll be out of town, so I’m relying on everyone else to be awesome.
Check out the awesome Bike-PGH forum posting: Dirt Road Rally
When: Saturday July 25th, 2009; 9:00 am registration 9:30 am start
Where: Morning Glory Coffee House in Morningside (1806 Chislett)
How much: $5
Probable Route: Dirt Road Ramble on Bikely
Details from the web page:
…on Saturday the 25th, would folks be interested in doing a 100k-ish ride north of the city, including some dirt and ghost roads? $5 entry fee would go directly to Bike PGH, and I’d provide cue sheets and maybe even mark a few of the tricky turns. I could also offer a shorter course if folks would be intimidated by a 60 mile ride.
Also, about the route. There are four gravel sectors:
1. Campbell’s Run: Nice false flat through the woods leading to a slightly devilish climb on some loose gravel. There’s a gate at the end you’ll have to portage around.
2. Old Mill: Mostly dirt downhill roller coaster. Lots of potential to overcook a corner and land in the woods, too.
3. McClelland: Climb-false flat-climb, with some loose gravel. Whee.
4. Eisele: Pleasant gravel.
I’ve ridden all of these roads on 25mm road tires without problem. Be sure to come armed with a few tubes, though.…
Probable route. I removed Eisele for the fine up climb up Mill Dam Road.
$5 donation to Bike Pittsburgh gets you a cue sheet. Registration (such that it is) will be at 9:00 AM at Morning Glory Coffee House in Morningside (1806 Chislett), with a mass start at 9:30 AM. No checkpoints. Heck, you don’t even have to finish at MoGlo if you don’t want to. This is all about exploring new roads and helping out Bike Pittsburgh. Tell all your friends!