Thanks everyone! Check out the results
The info
When: Sunday July 1st, registration opens at noon, race starts at 1
Start: Flagstaff Hill (Schenley Park, behind CMU)
Ends: Washington Boulevard Oval
Cost: $5
Prizes: Cash & others… $100 for first overall!
It’s like a road race… only you have to dodge cars and you’ve got no support. It’s like an alleycat… except longer, steeper and without any stopping. Either way, it’s got cobbles in the middle and a velodrome at the end.
Helmets, water bottles & brakes recommended. Gears at your discretion.
Route to be posted prior to race. Watch this space, or email for more info.
Prizes for overall, fixie & women’s.
$100 for first overall! Come ready!
- The Checkpoints MUST be completed IN ORDER! I know this is weird for an alleycat, but it requires less volunteers
- You don’t have to stop at the checkpoints, but make sure the race volunteer records your spokecard #. So shout it out clearly as you ride by
- There is no fixed route between check points
- With two exceptions, the entire length of the cobbled section must be traveled
- Walking’s allowed
- The end is three laps of the track. It’s actually more like 2.5 laps, since you enter on the far side & have to cross the finish line 3 times.
Remember that this is a completely open course. The roads, trails and velodrome are all open. Be careful not to be hit by cars or to hit any pedestrians. Or anything else for that matter.
The Route
Here’s a map of the checkpoints & cobbled sections:
(Interactive map on Google Maps, Map images on flickr)
They are:
- START: Flagstaff Hill (Schenley Park, behind CMU)
- Schenley Trail (the cobbled trail that starts behind the visitor’s center near Phipps) (cobbles are optional because of construction. You can take the steps if you want.)
- Joncaire (next to Iron City Bikes)
- Sandcastle parking lot, rear entrance (cobbles are optional if you choose not to take the Southside trail)
- Grant St.
- Chestnut St. (Across 16th St. Bridge)
- Intersection of Mt. Troy Rd & Hoffman Rd. (North Hills) (No cobbles for this section)
- McCandless St. (off of Stanton)
- Murray Hill (Squirrel Hill)
- Henrietta St. (Regeant Square)
- LaClaire St. (Regeant Square)
- Laketon Rd. (Wilkinsberg, off of Swissvale Ave. / Rt. 8)
- END: Washington Blvd. Oval (END)
Here’s a sample route I took when planning the ride. Remember: you can take any route you want between check points. This is just a sample.
(Interactive map on Bikely, Map images on flickr)
A bit under 40 miles, shorter than I thought.
I rode it on a fixed gear (49×17) with front brake. The climbs were hard, but not crazy. I tried not to use the brake, but I think I used it twice: coming down Hoffman Rd. & to avoid hitting a car on Swissvale Rd. (but that was me not seeing a light). I had one water bottle and finished just about the entire thing. And don’t tell Bike Pittsburgh, but I didn’t wear a helmet.
Sponsors & Prize List
Prizes awarded for overall, fixie & women’s. There will also be door prizes given away randomly.
Thanks to:
- Thick Bikes
- Spokepunchers
- Iron City Bikes
- Bike Pittsburgh
- Trek of Pittsburgh
- Whole Foods
- Allegro Hearth Bakery
- The volunteers: Emily & Randy, Ben, Casey, Erin & Marc, Susie, Josh, Brian and Iris
- Beautiful trophies
- $100!
- Free powder-coating from Thick Bikes!
- $50
- Mini frame pump
- Spokepunchers merchandise
- Bike-Pittsburgh merchandise
- Planet Bike blinkies
Hope to see everyone there!
More information:

Trek of Pittsburgh
Allegro Hearth Bakery