Here’s the final scoring breakdown for the ride. It’s the same format as the Rub-A-Dub, for those that did that ride. You get points for each thing. Unless noted, multipliers apply only to the item above (e.g. a personally decorated cake doubles the cake score, not your entire score). Everything in the misc. section applies to the TOTAL score and are applied in order.

And this is probably obvious, but the point is to enrich the PARTY. So bringing a 40 for yourself doesn’t get you points (it just gets you drunk).

Good luck!

Item Points Your Score
Food – Sweet
Cake 300/cake
personally decorated x2
w/ a personal message to Casey x2
that makes her laugh x2
Cupcakes 100/pan
Pie 200/pie
Ice cream 150/container
Cake + ice cream +400
Sorbet 100/container
Coconut sorbet +500
Tofuti Cuties 50/box
Mint Tofuti Cuties +25
Peanut butter tofuti cuties +25
Mochi ice cream 150/box
Keeping frozen deserts cold during ride x5
Trader Joe’s rice pudding 400/tub
Something w/ Chocolate +100
Other sweets Judge’s discretion
Food – Savory
Chips 100/bag
Pringles +200/can
Pretzels 100/bag
Tortilla chips 200/bag
Salsa 100
Guacamole 150
above 3 x5
Other snacks/dip Judge’s discretion
Pizza 500/pie
Hamburgers/veggie patties 500/pack
w/ buns (as in bread) x2
w/ buns (as in a nice butt) x5
w / fixins +300
Hotdogs/veggie dogs 500/pack
w/ buns (I’m not repeating that joke again) x2
w/ chili x2
chicago dogs x5
Sandwiches 500/judge’s discretion
Ken’s sandwiches from Smallman St. Deli in Sq. Hill (ask for Angelo; race day only) +3000
Pasta salad 100/judge’s discretion
Fresh fruit 300/judge’s discretion
anything with apricots +200
Fresh veggies 300/judge’s discretion
ants on a log +800
Other foods Judge’s discretion
Bring your own dishes 800
Bring some extra dishes for others x3
Pop 75/2-litre
Iced tea 300/judge’s discretion
Home made x2
Lemonade 300/judge’s discretion
Fresh squeezed x2
Beer 300/6 pack (or growler)
good beer +300-800
a hefewiessen +200
Penn Brewery Hefewissen x3
Wine (Red) 200/bottle
Wine (White) 400/bottle
good wine x2
Whiskey 500/bottle
Tequila 500/bottle
good blanco x2
and ginger ale x2
Something with fruit in it +200
Something cold & Blended 200
With tiny umbrellas x2
And those plastic monkeys that hang from the rim x2
Absinthe 800/bottle
Mint juleps 1000/glass
Mojitos 1000/glass
either of above w/ fresh mint x2
Being under 21 and bringing something else instead of booze 500
Other Judge’s discretion
Card 50
homemade +100
using construction paper +200
and twine +300
and part of a plant or flower +400
and glitter x3
Gift 50-10,000 at judge’s discretion
ornately wrapped x2
Write a poem 100
a shakesperean sonnet +200
a petrarchian sonnet +400
in iambic pentameter x3
Write a song 100
involving the harmonica x5
(for any of above) perform live x2
(for any of above) receive standing ovation x2
Create visual art 300
(for any of above) on the subject of Casey’s beauty x2
(for any of above) on the subject of Casey’s wit & intelligence x2
(for any of above) on the subject of Casey’s philanthropy x2
(for any of above) on the subject of Casey’s respect for the environment x2
(for any of above) on the subject of Casey’s political activism x2
Juggle 300
fire x3
while reciting your poem/song x4
Bring flowers 500
that were picked in the wild x2
and are beautifully arranged x2
in a homemade vase x2
and lightly scented with a pleasant perfume x2
Tell a joke 100
a funny joke x2
a REALLY funny joke x3
about lawyers x2
Misc (Each applies to total score)
Something from Chicago +500
Something black and gold +500
Something emblematic of the Northside +500
Something encased in glass +300
Something neon +300
Something green +300
Something neon-green x3
Something home-made x6
Something vegan +500
Something from a dumpster +500
Something that floats (in water) +1000
Something that floats (in air) x2
Rootbeer floats x3
A bearskin rug +5000
Something from nature +500
Owner of the womb that bore Casey x10
Traveled more than 300 miles to get here x2
Touched Ohio this morning x2
Have known Casey at least 10 years +1000
Are wearing Spokepunchers gear +2000